How to thrive as an event and hospitality professional in lockdown two

We have partnered with Matthew James Kellett, Internationally Accredited Coach, on a series of blogs aimed at providing you with the tools and resources to navigate the complicated world we find ourselves in. Today Matthew is discussing how to thrive as an events and hospitality professional in lockdown two.


As the world comes to a standstill again in November 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, again our amazing events and hospitality industry is feeling the full force of another four-week (minimum) lockdown. Restaurants, event spaces, pubs, bars and entertainment centres are all forced to close their doors, leaving 600,000 events professionals alone again, out of work!

So what can YOU do to ensure you thrive as an events and hospitality professional during this second UK lockdown? Let’s break it down a little.

Control the controllables

Now this is something I found through a good friend of mine Paddy Howley, founder of So Lets Talk, who are 86’ing the silence around mental health and addiction in hospitality, a must follow!

Paddy went live on Instagram, through @soletstalk___, to share his personal story and discuss the power of controlling the controllables. So what do we mean by control the controllables?

In short there are so many things we can worry about, or lose our temper over right now, mainly around the decisions being made that we are not able to control. We have no control over the UK government placing us back into a second lockdown, and no control over the events and hospitality industry again closing their doors to the public. It is a time of mass uncertainty for our amazing industry, but it is vital for our own mental wellbeing that we focus on controlling what we have the power to control.

So what can we control?


Media influence

We have the power to control the media in which we consume. How many positive stories have you seen in the media around events and hospitality recently? I bet you are struggling to find one, aren’t you?

I decided to switch off from mainstream news and media outlets in June 2020 and have not looked back since. That meaning I have not watched one BBC news report, or any of Boris’s updates, or read a local or national newspaper online!


I am safeguarding my own mental wellbeing by controlling the controllable in the situation. The news reports are still out there, but I choose not to tune in to protect myself and keep my drive and passion aligned to my values of supporting businesses and individuals in our amazing industry. I switched to following more events professionals in the industry such as the before mentioned @soletstalk___ and @healthyhospo and @thebestlifeproject on Instagram, who spread positivity and actual support for people in our industry.

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Something I worked on a lot during lockdown one was sharing gratitude for what I have in life, the people I choose to surround myself with and the successes I have had to date.

I make a gratitude list each morning now, without failure to open my eyes in the morning and share positive thoughts with myself has been a real game changer for me.

Each Sunday I call, voice note or simply send a message to a select few people to share gratitude with them for their support and love over the years, or the past week. Why keep the positivity to yourself when you can spread that joy to the lives of others?


Who you surround yourself with?

Now hold on before you all go off topic and start shouting at me!


You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with, online, through your phone or in person.

So, make sure you surround yourself with human beings who better serve you, in business, social and pleasure. Jay Alderton, a leading mindset with muscle coach, posted an amazing post on Instagram this week. Do not hang around with Bell**ds who drag you down to their lowest standards.

Choose wisely who you spend your energy on and protect your highest values. These three, remarkably simple points are key to my daily successes. I have transformed my own mindset and life during 2020 by following these three key points on a consistent daily basis!

And guess what? I am still working in the events, hospitality and performers industry!

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Continue to share your passion ONLINE!

In January 2020 I found online coaching, and it has played a massive part in reshaping my life. I qualified as an internationally Accredited Coach, completely transforming my mindset, vision, and direction in life.

I have worked in events and hospitality for over 15 years, and not without my struggles. I was working some 20-hour days, travelling over 2,000 miles per month for a self-employed role in which I loved, however, I was struggling with my mental health, battling bouts of anxiety and early stages of depression. I was drinking, smoking, and using drugs recreationally and knew I needed change. Coaching did just that for me.

I transformed my work to continue sharing my love and passion for the events and hospitality industry online. I qualified as an Internationally Accredited Coach, completed an online business launch course, qualified as a foundations of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) coach and continued to work in our amazing industry.

I now help events business owners and performers to share their passion online, creating impact and income online!

I have gained all the tools and techniques required to transform your mindset, realign your vision and set up your business online. I can help you to break down limiting beliefs around your self-worth, and ignite that spark and passion for continuing what you do online.

The world is shaping up to focus more around the online space, and the online events industry is going to keep rising over the coming months and years.

Take action now and learn how to continue your passion online, set up that online event, have impact online and create opportunities for yourself to perform in the online world, from wherever in the world you decide to do so.

I work with clients all over the world and in the last three months have lived in Italy, and now Bali.

Don’t delay, take action and let’s bring your ideas to fruition and continue to share your passion for our amazing events and hospitality industry.

To find out more about Matthew’s personal story and his services, follow him on instagram and check out his website.


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Useful resources & articles


An interview with our founder & director Claire Hoolahan


How we are supporting our clients throughout difficult times